Monday, July 19, 2010

The One Where She Decides to Blog

A blog? Really? The world of blogging has always seemed so elusive to me. Something that other, more talented people did. People who have exciting lives.

Then my cousin started a blog. She is one of the most talented people I know, but she would probably be the first to say that her life is far from glamorous. She is an amazing mom with an amazing passion for raising her kids. She decided to start blogging for her kids. A chronicle of their life.

That was the first time it all made sense to me. Since then I have read her blog and have been so grateful that she invites me into her life through these glimpses of the things that happen in her daily life. I know her children will someday be even more grateful.

So, I began to think about putting my thoughts down on virtual paper. I've always loved journaling. I'm not sure why I thought of blogging as any different.

My life is filled with boys. I know all things slimy, explosive, loud, and dangerous. There is very little room in my life for pink, lace, or ruffles. I like it this way. I love my life!

Here is the poem that best exemplifies my life today.

What Are Little Boys Made Of?
What are little boys made of?
What are little boys made of?
Frogs and snails
And puppy-dogs' tails,
That's what little boys are made of.
What are little girls made of?
What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice
And all that's nice,
That's what little girls are made of.

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